Joshua House for me and my house, we will serve the Lord


  "Semi-Therapeutic" Living Environment

Homeless Man with BibleOur "semi-therapeutic" community perspective includes a way of looking at existing problems of substance abuse and addictive behaviors, educating program participants.

Within this view, substance abuse is a symptom and the actual physical addiction is secondary to the need for total education and treatment of an individual, which is a process of experiential learning that includes direct confrontation of values, behaviors and attitudes, all taking place in a well defined structured living environment with firm, fair, and consistent boundaries and expectations.

Our "Program" supports and displays "Pro" social values to include honesty, self-responsibility, work ethics, and community responsibility. Residents and staff identify these elements as "key" to true recovery and social integration.

As a Christian based program, we strive to incorporate Christian ethics in our program. Our goal is to help the client re-evaluate past negative ways of thinking and learn a new way of thinking that emulates the behaviors of Jesus Christ. We don't run or try to forget our past, but rather find ways to parlay our past, both the negative and the positive, into a  successful productive way of living.

At Joshua House we believe that through a spiritual and educationally based program, all our residents have the capacity to become the Good Father, Son, Husband...Man, that they were intended to be.

With God.......All things are possible.